New Year, New Blog


“Start a Blog”, I said…about four years ago and here we are!  "Why on earth has it taken you four whole years to finally do this?" I hear you say.  For many of us there are always things that we want to do and achieve but we continuously give ourselves reasons and excuses not to.  When it came to this, some examples of the things that stopped me from starting sooner were, ‘now isn’t the right time’, ‘I’m still not 100% sure on what I want my “niche” to be focused on’, ‘I want to wait until I can think of a really awesome blog name’, ‘maybe I need to know a little bit more and be more knowledgeable before I even write about anything’, ‘I’ll start next month…I’ll start in three months’ and the list goes on.  All of these along with straight out procrastination have been what has held me back and made me put off starting a blog, until now.  January 2016 and it's finally here

So why is now the right time?
  1. A mantra I want to live by this year is “what you can do today, don’t put off till tomorrow” and I want to start that off with this new home here on the internet.  There are many things that I want to achieve this year as well as having a solid blog that I post regularly on (I’ve said it now so you’re all going to have to keep me accountable) and in life there are times when you have to stop and say, ‘if not now, then when?’ So I’m using this blog as a starting point.  A starting point to help kick-start being proactive in doing the things I want to do.  It doesn’t take much to have words, write down your thoughts and share them online in a positive way and if this is a small step in doing that then it’s the first small step I can take.
  2. There are so many thoughts, so many ideas swimming round in my head that if I still delayed sharing them on a blog any sooner just because of my own ability to procrastinate, then I would never forgive myself.  I want this space to be a space where I can share with you some of the things I enjoy and think are important and hopefully help you all connect with the things you enjoy and find important in life.
So have you figured out what your niche is?
Have I?  No!  You’d think after four years of deliberating that I would have made a decision but in true fact, the answer is no.  For years I spent time traipsing the internet looking at blogs and how other people built and used theirs, finding blogs that I liked that were niche blogs, reading blog posts and articles about starting blogs and you know what, none of it helped.  In fact, constantly reading "you have to have a niche otherwise there’s not point blogging and your blog won’t be successful" was probably what added to the years of not starting.  It scared me off, it made me feel inadequate without even starting.  That was when I realised that, I don’t want this blog to be a blog that caters to specific people and excludes others, I don’t want this to be a blog where I have to focus on people pleasing, I don’t want this to be a blog where the only focus and end goal is on being ‘successful’.  There are many things that I enjoy, am entertained by, that intrigues me, that makes me want to know more of and that I think are worth sharing and I shouldn’t change that just because someone else suggests I do.  I want this to be a place where anyone can find anything that they may connect with, laugh at or even get them to go away after reading a blog post really thinking in depth about.  This so nicely leads on to the net excuse turned question…

So is this the really awesome blog name you waited ages for to decide on?
I like to think it is.  Names are important to me.  They’re bold, make a statement and they’re how things are identified.  In previous years when I was thinking of blog names, I thought of many! Many which were taken, many which were too long and many that just didn’t sit right with me! A few days ago, this name came to me!  After tweaking it, I think it sums up the blog well, as just as I mentioned before, I want it to be a place for all that I want.  I want it to be for both you and I, a place of different things, a places for pieces.

So does that mean you’ve scrubbed up on your knowledge of everything in the last few days?
Absolutely not.   Being told to be a certain way and to write a certain way about things in order to blog is one thing when the world is already telling us that we all have to be a certain way in able to ‘succeed’ in this life.  Of course if there is a topic that strikes a chord with me I’ll read up on it a little for myself and so I can give you apt information, but that isn’t going to stop me from writing the most eloquent piece of writing I’ve ever written to my standards, or rambling about something I’m super excited about (prepared for a few of those).  If there's something you want to share, don't ever feel like you can't because you're not equipped enough, share it!

So what else can we expect from this blog?
If I gave you a list it’ll be endless because I don’t want there to be an end to what I write about and I don’t want there to be an end to what gets me excited about life.  Musings, things that encourage, things to get passionate about, reviews, interviews, photographic posts you name it, you’ll see it here.  For now I’ll keep you in on your toes as I’m just as new to this blog as you are.

So I guess, that's it!

I hope you’ve managed to make it to the end of this post.  To those of you who have, thank you for being the first ever readers of this, I appreciate you greatly already.  I hope to see you again soon and that amongst this place for pieces, I hope you can find a place for yourself too!

Happy New Year Folks! May 2016 be a year of you doing all the things you've put aside and sharing what makes you happy.

See you soon
Lola :)

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  1. I thought this was a really good perspective on blogging! Loved your voice, your 'niche' lies within that flair. Hope to read much from you this year xox

    1. Thank you Tara, I'm glad you like what I've done, really appreciate it :) Thank you for being my first follower too!!


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